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What a lovely way to enjoy the beauty outside your door when you plant this impressive variety of 18 different seeds to invite your fluttering friends to a feast! 


Imagine a yard of delicately floating butterflies gently landing on the alluring flowers that call out to them. This Scatter Garden offers a collection of the most appealing flowers for attracting butterflies and providing the perfect butterfly habitat.  


Watch with a child as your yard becomes a butterfly oasis and write down what you see with the included field guide and notes.   And getting to share the experience with a loved little one (or maybe with a nature-loving grandparent or neighbor) is such a sweet gift.

Includes: 18 seed varieties, field guide and notes, garden stake, and directions.

Kids Scatter Garden - Butterfly Habitat

    • Zones. 4–9
    • Seed. 14 g
    • Coverage. 125 sq. ft.
    • Flowers.
      • (1) California Poppy, (2) Siberian Wallflower,(3) Perennial Lupine, (4) Tall Blue Cornflower, (5) Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, (6) Purple Cornflower, (7) Dwarf Cosmos, (8) Sweet William Pinks, (9) Gayfeather, (10) Bishop’s Flower, (11) Showy Milkweed, (12) Butterfly Milkweed, (13) Dwarf Godetia, (14) Indian Blanket, (15) Annual Phlox, (16) Plains Coreopsis, (17) Sweet Alyssum, (18) Black-Eyed Susan.
  • Made in the USA by Potting Shed Creations

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ethical hope...

- Ethical Hope is about family - the global community that is our family, whether we know them all or not, and caring for them exactly as they are, wherever they are.  

- Ethical Hope is about value - valuing those who have been deemed worthless and showing them that their contributions to the world are indeed valuable and vitally important.

- Ethical Hope is about  worth -  providing sustainable wages and compassionate treatment in cultures and societies where too many are forgotten or neglected.

- Ethical Hope is about hope - offering it to anyone who needs hope in their struggles, light in their darkness, acceptance in their brokenness.

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