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⛳ Calling all golf fans!! Oakmont Country Club is hosting the 2025 U.S. Open, and we have CUSTOM earrings from Guatemala by Dunitz & Company just for the event!!

Featuring "The Pews" at Oakmont Country Club in the artwork, these unique earrings are sure to please golfers, U.S. Open fans, and OCC members alike!

Watch for the rest of our Golf Mini-Collection to arrive!

Oakmont Country Club Earrings - CUSTOM

  • Handmade in Guatemala by Dunitz & Company

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ethical hope...

- Ethical Hope is about family - the global community that is our family, whether we know them all or not, and caring for them exactly as they are, wherever they are.  

- Ethical Hope is about value - valuing those who have been deemed worthless and showing them that their contributions to the world are indeed valuable and vitally important.

- Ethical Hope is about  worth -  providing sustainable wages and compassionate treatment in cultures and societies where too many are forgotten or neglected.

- Ethical Hope is about hope - offering it to anyone who needs hope in their struggles, light in their darkness, acceptance in their brokenness.

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