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Quaking Aspen is a beautiful, useful, historically important, and truly iconic species that can be cultivated virtually anywhere. In autumn, Aspens are nothing less than stunning – gilded with brilliant golden leaves, perpetually trembling and splashing sunlight in every direction.


Gift one of these JonsteenCompany Growing Kits for Father's Day or Mother's Day as a thank you for their ever-growing love.  Share one with a child for Earth Day or a birthday to create a gift that will always be with them.  Grow a tree in honor or in memorial of a loved one whose memory is forever with you.


This kit includes everything you need to grow a gorgeous Colorado Blue Spruce - easy-to-follow directions, soil, perlite, seeds, and a mini greenhouse! 


The Jonsteen Company, starting 25+ years ago in America's National Parks, thrives on sustainability and a commitment to the environment through education and planting initiatives.  These incredible, guaranteed 100% germination grow kits have been a staple in the U.S. National Parks, and have even been used at the White House, Disneyland, U.S. National Arboretum, Smithsonian, and the American Museum of Natural History!  


Purchasing any of The Jonsteen Company's grow kits not only helps re-populate our forests and communities, as well as encourage and protect spaces for vitally important pollinators, this purchase also supports FairTrade Principles about respecting the environment and increasing sustainability.



Quaking Aspen Growing Kit


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