Your hands will thank you for giving them a pair of these beautifully handmade mittens! When your fingers rest comfy and cozy inside these Ruby Wool Fleece-Lined Mittens, even the rough winds and swirling snow won't bother you. Wintry weather can make your days feel long and the season seem longer, but these hand-knitted, fleece-lined mittens will make even the most sensitive of skin enjoy the great outdoors. Trimmed with pine and natural wool accents, these radiantly ruby mittens are ready for winter play.
Each pair of these Wool Fleece-Lined Mittens demonstrates the incredible knitting and decorative sewing skills of the Nepalese artisans who crafted them. Your purchase of these comfy mittens will keep your hands happy and keep their kids in school. And that's a purpose worth purchasing to support!
Also available in Ruby and Gray.
Most of Ganesh Himal’s knit items are knit by women in their homes while their children are in school. Organized into small neighborhood groups, one woman is elected as a team leader. The team leader picks up the pre dyed wool and delivers the wool and orders weekly. She then will pick up the finished product and deliver them to the main office. Once at the main office they do the finishing, lining and final quality control. For Nepali women it is vital to be able to work in their homes while caring for their children and at the same time gain a fair income. This income gives them a larger voice in their homes and allows many to keep their children in school.
Wool Fleece-Lined Mittens - Ruby
Handmade in Nepal by Ganesh Himal