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This book is an incredibly powerful testimony to the irrepressible perseverance of humanity and the magnitude of need in the world around us.  Let these refugees tell you their stories, their vulnerabilities, their desperation.  And let yourself connect to the world in a way that only humans can.  And then change the world for the good of all humanity.


Share this book with your teen or college students, your co-workers or staff to develop cultural awareness and better race relations as the world faces an immigration and refugee crisis of epic proportions.

"Over the course of two years, a group of award-winning photographers, filmmakers, painters, and writers trailed and documented the flood of refugees pouring into the West from the Middle East and Africa, recording the refugees' firsthand accounts of who they are and what made them refugees. Spare, haunting, utterly magnificent, and profoundly human, this inspiring collection creates a portrait of the greatest humanitarian crisis of modern history. From the pregnant mother in the dusty warehouse-turned-refugee-camp in Greece to the emaciated child in a mud-filled tent in Bangladesh to the lone Sudanese crouched under an overpass in Italy--the people inside this remarkable volume of exquisite photography and stories of resilience will teach you that the surest way to draw humans together begins with the words 'I want to tell you my story . . .'"



Let Me Tell You My Story: Refugee Stories of Hope, Courage, and Humanity

  • "Common threads are the resilience of the protagonists, the search for a dignified life with the ability to work, the desire to reunite with family, and the inhumanity and exploitation of smugglers. Many stories are incredibly touching and accessible." -Kirkus Reviews

    "An extraordinary collection of extraordinary lives lived out in extraordinary circumstances, "Let Me Tell You My Story" is a compelling read and one that will linger in the mind and memory long after the book itself is finished and set back upon the shelf. A unique and outstanding contribution to our contemporary national discussion over refugees and immigration, "Let Me Tell You My Story" should be a part of every community and academic library collection in the country. "  -Midwest Book Review

    "This is a book that can grace any library shelf and would have a natural place in a school's office. It can lead to important discussions with students of all ages."  -The International Educator

    (shared from Familius LLC.)

  • Printed by Familius LLC.

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